What is the sympto-thermal method?
The ‘Sympto-Thermal Method (STM)’ is a ‘Natural Fertility Awareness Method’ that ‘involves tracking basal body temperature and cervical mucous to identify the fertile and infertile phases of the menstrual cycle.
When used correctly and consistently, the Sympto-Thermal Method has a contraceptive effectiveness rate of about 98-99%.
STM is used to assess menstrual health or if trying to conceive can help to achieve pregnancy naturally.
Why do we recommend the sympto-thermal method?
Seed cycling with your menstrual cycle requires you to understand not just when you have your period to take your FOL blend - but when you ovulate to switch to your LUT blend. Most cycle tracking apps use predictive technology to guess when you ovulate. This can be dangerous and unhelpful as everyone ovulates at different times and ovulation can be delayed for various reasons.
The sympto-thermal method is a science-backed technique that provides more accuracy in tracking ovulation. It also helps us to tune into our cycles and manage contraception naturally. It's why we 100% recommend the sympto-thermal method to track your cycle and use along side your Seed Cycle Blend.